- AJIBODE, A., BANGASH, A.A., CÔGO, F.R., ADAMS, B. and HASSAN, A.E. (2025). Towards Semantic Versioning of Open Pre-trained Language Model Releases on Hugging Face, Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, to appear. BibTeX
- ZHAO, Z., BANGASH, A.A., CÔGO, F.R., ADAMS, B. and HASSAN, A.E. (2025). On the Workflows and Smells of Leaderboard Operations (LBOps): An Exploratory Study of Foundation Model Leaderboards, Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), IEEE, to appear. BibTeX
- EBRAHIMI, A., ADAMS, B., OLIVA, G.A. and HASSAN, A.E. (2025). UPC Sentinel: An Accurate Approach for Detecting Upgradeability Proxy Contracts in Ethereum, Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, to appear. BibTeX
- FALLAHZADEH, E., RIGBY, P.C. and ADAMS, B. (2025). Contrasting Test Selection, Prioritization, and Batch Testing at Scale, Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, to appear. BibTeX
- KAMATH, D.M., ADAMS, B. and HASSAN, A.E. (2025). Lightweight Dynamic Build Batching Algorithms for Continuous Integration, Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, to appear. BibTeX
- PATEL, H., BOUCHER, D., FALLAHZADEH, E., HASSAN, A.E. and ADAMS, B. (2025). A State-of-the-practice Release-readiness Checklist for Generative AI-based Software Products, IEEE Software, IEEE, to appear. BibTeX
- YASMIN, J., WANG, J., TIAN, Y., and ADAMS, B. (2025). An Empirical Study of Developers' Challenges in Implementing Workflows as Code: A Case Study on Apache Airflow, Journal of Software and Systems (JSS), Elsevier, to appear. BibTeX
- MACEDO, M., TIAN, Y., NIE, P., CÔGO, F.R. and ADAMS, B. (2025). InterTrans: Leveraging Transitive Intermediate Translations to Enhance LLM-based Code Translation, in Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE (Ottawa, ON), to appear. (Acceptance ratio: N/A) BibTeX
- OPDEBEECK, R., ADAMS, B. and DE ROOVER, C. (2025). Analysing Software Supply Chains of Infrastructure as Code: Extraction of Ansible Plugin Dependencies, in Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, SANER (Montréal, Canada), to appear. (Acceptance ratio: 52/225=23.21%) BibTeX